Pounds till payday loans are simple loans that you have to repay on your next payday. Bad credit history, defaults, late payments and CCJs is no barrier for availing these loans as they involve no credit check. Due to no credit check and short repayment tenure involved the interest rate charged on these loans is slightly higher and hence the loans should be taken in urgency.
Eligibility conditions
Some of the eligibility conditions that the borrower needs to fulfill for applying these loans are:-
1. You should be above 18 years of age.
2. You should be earning a salary of minimum 1000 pounds P.M.
3. You should have an active bank account
4. You should be the citizen of U.K
Payday loans can provide you with immediate cash ranging from 100 pounds to 1500 pounds depending upon your monthly salary for short time duration of up to 14 days. The applying procedure for these loans comes with an easy online application form that you need to submit at the lenders site and the loan is transferred into your account within 24 hrs of applying. The borrower can search for a suitable deal by looking for lenders on internet and comparing the interest rate being imposed by them.
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